Musical Dice -- The Takedown/Re-Distribution Strategy
Written December 25, 2024
Admittedly, this strategy is a take-off of a strategy presented on Mark The Point's channel on YouTube, where you place all the numbers--the 4 and 10 for 25 each, the 5 and 9 for 35 each, and the 6 and 8 for 42 each. Then, as each of the first three numbers are hit, you take them down. On the third such hit ane takedown, you will be ahead.
After watching the video, I suggested that on the third hit, instead of taking the bet down, simply re-distribute the four bets on the board to 110 inside. That way, after 3 hits of $49 each, you would have collected $147, and with only $110 invested, upon re-distribution, you will already have a profit of $37.
The reason for the takedowns on the first two hits is because you'd lose less money, should an early seven-out occur.
Of course, there are many different ways to vary up the dollar amounts so that on the third hit and re-distribution, you'd end up in profit. The way initially presented by Mark The Point, is one way to play this strategy on a $25 table. You can, of course, scale this strategy down to play on $10 or $15 tables. For simplicity's sake, I'd recommend the initial Place bets be 1½ to 2 times the minimum bets all the way across, then re-distributing to the inside numbers (5.6.8, and 9) for the minimums once the third hit is reached.
If the payouts for the 4 and the 10 are more than for the inside numbers, then upon re-distribution, you may want to include the 4 and the 10, since you'd have extra profits to play with.
I had used this strategy on my last two trips to Lake Charles with more successes than not. However, this is a higher-risk strategy, and like the Two-Hit Blackout strategy, I would not recomment using this strategy with random shooters.
As with all craps strategies, there is no guarantee that this strategy will work all the time. Early seven-outs is the big enemy of this strategy. However, if you can make the third hit, this can be a very profitable strategy, and it can be yet another weapon in your arsenal of craps strategies. Feel free to try this strategy, and tell me how it works for you. You can email me at musicaldice323@gmail.com. Good luck! ☺