Musical Dice -- The One-Place Don't Strategy

Written November 27, 2024

     For those of you who are not sure of how the craps table is going, or are reluctant to put a bunch of money on the table right away, this strategy may be for you.

     So what is the One-Place Don't strategy? Simply put, it is a Don't Pass bet with one Place bet for an equal or slightly lower dollar amount. That way, if a 7 comes after a point is established, you'll either break even, or make a little bit of money.

     This strategy starts off with a Don't Pass bet on the come-out. For a $10 table, I'd recommend this bet be at least $15. For a $15 table, I'd recommend at least $20 for the Don't Pass bet. For a $25 table, I'd recommend at least $30 for the Don't Pass bet. The reason for these dollar amounts is because when you make your Place bet, which will most likely be a 6 or an 8, you'll need enough of a Don't Pass bet to cover the Place bet.

     After the point is established, this is when you make your Place bet. And since 6 and 8 are the two most frequently rolled numbers other than the 7, it is highly recommended that your one Place bet be either 6 or 8. And as your Place bet hits, you can branch out to other Place bets with the proceeds of the hit on your Place bet. For example, for a point of 6, and your Place bet being the 8, when the 8 hits the first time, you can use 10 of the $14 payout to place the 5. And with subsequent hit, you can cover more and more of the Place bets.

     One nice thing about this strategy is that it is easy to transition into the light-side, if your Place bets are repeatedly hitting, and you are sufficiently ahead. For you only have one small bet on the dark-side, a.k.a. the Don't Pass bet. For this reason, this strategy can be regarded as a hybrid strategy.

     Yes I know, this can be regarded as one of the biggest scared craps strategies ever, but hey, if you don't want to risk a lot of money right away, or if you're not sure which way the table is going, this may be a cheap way to find out.

     As with all craps strategies, there is no guarantee that this strategy will work all the time. Come-out sevens or yo's will lose on the Don't Pass, as will making the point. But playing this way will not cost you as much for making the wrong choice, as would many other strategies. And it won't make you as much as some other strategies, if you happen to come across a hot roll, for you're only betting on one number and the 7 initially. This is more of a grinder strategy, but this is yet another weapon to add to your craps arsenal. Try it out! Let me know how it works for you. You can email me at Good luck! ☺