Musical Dice -- The Double-Regression Strategy
Written February 14, 2024
The way I first learned about this strategy was through Jeremu from Color Up. He presented a 440-inside strategy, in which he advocates regressing down three times--first to 220 inside, then to 110 inside, then to either 44 inside or 66 inside, depending on whether you're playing on a $10 table, or a $15 table.
It got me to thinking, why would you want to regress down again when you're at 110 inside, when you've already made a $100 profit? And 110 inside for the final regression level would be good for a $25 table. But then I thought about how I'd play this if I wasn't at a $25 table? Ultimately, this is how I came up with this strategy, which I call the Double-Regression strategy.
With this strategy, once a point is established, you start by placing 4 times the minimum bet on the inside numbers (5, 6, 8, and 9), then on the first hit, regress each of the numbers to half. Then on the second hit, you regress them by half again, and you're out of the hand with some profit--4 times the minimum bet to be exact.
At first glance, this may look like my 4X strategy, but this is totally different. On 4X, the initial bets are only on 6 and 8, and there is only one regression. Here, the 4X bets are on all the insides, and there are two regressions.
Of course, the big enemy of this strategy is the early seven-out. For this reason, I wouldn't recommend playing this strategy with random shooters, but with those who seem to have a good controlled throw, as you're putting a good deal of money at risk initially.
As with any craps strategy, it is not guaranteed to win every time. But it can provide a relatively quick way to get out of the hand, and into the profits. This is yet another craps weapon to add to your arsenal. Try it out. you can let me know what you think at musicaldice323@gmail.com. Good luck! ☺