Musical Dice -- The Inside Double-Down Strategy
Written May 26, 2023
This strategy is hardly an original strategy. For one, Rick from Let It Roll, had put out a strategy similar to this, where he starts off with 220 inside, then presses 6 and 8 on the first hit, then regresses to 110 inside (I think he did mention adjustments one can make for lower levels). And there was Beau Parker, who suggested in one of his videos, going all the way across, except for the point, for two units, then regressing to one unit after two hits. This strategy is my spin on such strategies, which I'm calling the Inside Double-Down strategy.
This strategy, which can be played on any dollar level craps table, simply put, involves placing bets on the inside four Place bets (5, 6, 8, and 9), for twice the table minimum. Then, when you get two hits on any of those bets, regress them all down to table minimum, and you already have a small profit. Note: you can get away with only placing five units on the inside numbers, on a $15 table, but when you regress to three units, or 66 inside, your profit is only $4, instead of $18, if you put six units on the inside to start.
Now after regression, you can take and press the numbers however you feel like doing. I'd recommend taking the first hit on a number, and pressing that number if it hits again. If a number hits for a third time, I would recommend using the profits from that hit (for the first number only that hits for the third time) to place the 4 and the 10.
Alternatively, instead of regressing down to table minimum, you could just take down the 5 and the 9 after the second hit. You'd have more on the 6 and 8, which can be used to feed the other numbers, similar to the In/Out/In strategy, but you'd only have two numbers covered, accounting for only 10 dice combinations of either 6 or 8. But in regressing the way recommended, you'd have four numbers covered for a total of 18 ways to roll any of them. You'll be able to build up faster, and there'll be less non-productive roll than if you only have two numbers covered.
Of course, the initial risk is nearly twice as much. For example, to use this strategy on a $10 table, you'd be putting $88 on the inside numbers, compared to only $48 if you use the In/Out/In strategy. A point-seven-out would be more costly, but in most cases, you'd get your money back using this strategy, for you'd only have 10 ways to get the first hit on the In/Out/In strategy, and then 17 ways to get the second hit. With this strategy, there are 18 ways to get each hit. Which way is better? I'll let you decide.
As I often say, no craps strategy works ALL the time. But I think this strategy is a good strategy to include in your arsenal of craps strategies to use at the casinos. Good luck! ☺