Musical Dice -- The In/Out/In Strategy
Written May 4, 2023
Admittedly, this strategy begins like Crappy The Craps Man's Feeding The Outsides strategy. But I think the way that I work this strategy is a good way to break even in just a couple of hits, without putting too much at risk.
Initially, this strategy was designed for a $15 table, which is what I mostly play when I go to Lake Charles, LA. But as you'll see later in this article, I've thought of ways for you to play this at other dollar levels as well. As Crappy did it, he put $30 on both the 6 and the 8, once a point is established. Then, when one of those numbers is rolled the first time, he uses the payout of the roll to place either the 4 and 5, or the 9 and the 10. In his first video, he placed $15 on either pair of numbers, with the idea that if either number just placed would hit, both numbers would then be taken down. On Crappy's second video, he'd either place 15 on the 4 and 20 on the 5, or 20 on the 9, and 15 on the 10 (since the payout for a hit on either the 6 or the 8 would be $35), but in the second video, both numbers would stay up.
It's at this point that my strategy deviates from Crappy's strategy. I do agree with placing either the 4 and the 5 with $15 and $20 respectively, or placing the 9 and the 10 with $20 and $15 respectively, but with my strategy, if any of the four numbers you have Place bets on, hits, you take down the two bets you just placed, and thus, you're out of the hand, so to speak, at least breaking even for the round. For example, if you have $30 each on the 6 and 8, that's a total investment of $60. Suppose a 6 is rolled, and you decide to use your $35 payout to place the 4 for $15 and the 5 for $20. Then, the 5 hits. You get paid $28 for that hit, you take down the 4 and the 5, and you're already ahead $3 for the round (you got paid $35 + $28 = $63 for those two hits, and your initial investment was $60).
From there, the next two hits on either the 6 or the 8 would feed the outside numbers, two at a time, for $15 apiece. This is similar to what Crappy does, but with my strategy, once all six Place bets are covered, they are self-sufficient from there, meaning that any pressing done on any of the numbers depends on that particular number being hit (whereas Crappy's method presses the outside numbers when 6's or 8's are rolled). When you reach this point in this strategy, I recommend a take-and-press methodology on the individual numbers.
Of course, an early seven-out, before you're able to get out of the hand and get even for the round, is bad. But the good part is, once you get to where you've gotten all your Place bets covered with this strategy, your profits will add up quickly, and if you had early seven-outs, you'll make up for them, if the roll is long enough. And in most cases, the roll doesn't have to be super long to get your money back.
Now, if you're playing this strategy on a $10 table, you could place $18 each on the 6 and 8, putting only $36 at risk. In this case, a hit on either 6 or 8 would pay $21, and I'd recommend placing the 4 and 10 each for $10, and if the dice roll on either 4, 6, 8, or 10, take down the 4 and the 10, and you'll be out of the hand (a hit on the 4 or the 10 would pay $18. added to the $21 for the hit on the 6 or the 8, that's a total of $39, leaving you with a $3 profit. Placing 5 and 9 instead would only yield $14 payouts, and that would only total $35, and you'd still be down $1 for the round, even when the 5 and 9 are removed). Once you get out of the hand, another hit on the 6 or the 8 would yield another $21, which you can at this point, place the 5 and 9 for $10 apiece. Same for the 4 and 10 on the following hit on either 6 and 8. Then, as before, all the bets are self-sufficient, and you can use your usual press methods (recommended is the Take-And-Press method).
For a $25 table, there is more than one way to go about this. One way is to put $48 each on the 6 and 8 to start. A hit on the 6 or the 8 would thus pay $56. Then you can place $25 on the 4 and $30 on the 5, or $30 on the 9, and $25 on the 10. The next hit would yield at least $42, and added to the $56 you got for the hit on the 6 or the 8, you're already out of the hand, since you've made at least $98, and your initial investment was $96. Then on subsequent hits on the 6 or the 8, you can place $25 on the outside numbers, two at a time, until you have all the numbers covered, at which point, the bets will all be self-sufficient. The second way to go about this, is to place $60 on the 6 and 8, and with that first hit, either place $30 on the 4 and $40 on the 5, or $40 on the 9 and $30 on the 10. A hit on any of those numbers placed will yield at least $54, which added to the $70 you get on that first hit of the 6 or the 8, will add to at least $124, which is more than the initial investment of $120. Here too, you're out of the hand at this point, this time, with $60 bets in play on the 6 and 8 instead of $48 each on the other method. Of course, it's less risk doing it the first method, investing only $96 instead of $120. It's up to you, which way you want to play this on a $25 table.
On a $5 table, this strategy doesn't work as well, unless you use at least three units on the 6 and 8 for your initial investment. For if you only use two units, or $12 each on the 6 and 8, after you get your first hit, which is $14, you still have $10 to make to get you out of the hand. And whether you place 4 and 10, or 5 and 9, one hit on either number will only pay you either $7 or $9, which will not be enough to get you out of the hand, even when those outside numbers are taken down. And if you use 3 units on the 6 and 8, you might as well play that as if you're on a $10 table. Again, it's up to you.
In conclusion, the In/Out/In strategy is good for players who don't want to put too much money at risk in the beginning. Once you're out of the hand, you're playing with casino money, and that can only be a good thing. Drawbacks are, of course, the early seven-out, plus, until all the Place bets are covered, especially when you only have bets on the 6 and 8, there are bound to a lot of non-productive rolls. But I think overall, this is a good strategy. And hey, NO strategy is guaranteed to win all the time. But I definitely encourage you to try this strategy the next time you're at a craps table. Good luck! ☺